Devlog 1 - January

  • Starting devlogs!
  • Created project - shared with group mates


Name Role
Paaras Scrum Master/Frontend Dev
Varalu Dev Ops/Project Manager
Tanay Backend Dev/Consumer Scout

UI Design - Plan for Ideation Week

  1. Tuesday - Start ideating frontend/backend, start building basic function
  2. Wednesday - Look back at our designs and find out flaws, fix em
  3. Thursday - Gauge feasability/what we need to learn (Tanay and varalu should be ideating backend/mapping it out)
  4. Friday - Full ideation review as a team/Pick final selections for two trimesters. Make a presentation incorporating all the pages and functionalities we ideated.

Issues by the end of the week

  • Paaras: Frontend Ideation
  • Tanay: Backend Ideation
  • Varalu: Admin Panel Ideation/MAINtaining The Codebase Issue

Approval By Team ✅