Devlog: Assignments Tab Development

Date: April 1, 2024

Project Overview

Our main focus for this sprint is the Assignments Tab feature in our educational application. This tab allows teachers and admins to create and manage assignments within their courses. One key aspect of this feature is that it’s designed for educators, so it’s not visible to students. We want to ensure that teachers and admins have a straightforward and user-friendly interface to manage their assignments, while students only see the relevant content.

Goal for the Week

The goal for this week is to build the Assignments Tab and ensure it has the core functionality needed to manage assignments. This involves:

  • Creating the interface where teachers and admins can create assignments.
  • Implementing backend support for storing and retrieving assignments.
  • Ensuring that students cannot access this tab.

Team Assignments

Three developers are primarily responsible for this task:

  • Orlando: He is responsible for the frontend development of the Assignments Tab. His tasks include designing the UI, implementing form validation, and ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Aniket: He is in charge of the backend. His tasks involve creating the database schema for assignments, setting up API endpoints for CRUD operations, and ensuring secure access to this data.
  • Soham: His focus is on integration and testing. He will work on integrating the frontend and backend, writing test cases, and ensuring that everything works as expected.

Development Progress

  • March 31, 2024: The team met to outline the requirements for the Assignments Tab. Orlando presented the initial UI mockups, and Aniket discussed the backend design. Soham identified key test cases and potential edge cases to consider during development.

  • April 1, 2024: Orlando began implementing the frontend components. He set up a basic structure with input fields for assignment title, description, and due date. Aniket started setting up the database and creating the initial API endpoints for creating and retrieving assignments. Soham wrote basic test cases to verify that the frontend and backend were communicating correctly.

Upcoming Tasks

  • Orlando plans to add more advanced features to the frontend, such as input validation and improved error handling. He also needs to ensure that the tab is hidden from students.
  • Aniket will work on securing the API endpoints to prevent unauthorized access. He’ll also add additional endpoints for updating and deleting assignments.
  • Soham will continue testing and work on integration to ensure a seamless user experience. He’ll also perform stress testing to ensure the system can handle multiple assignments and users without issues.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Security is a significant concern, especially because the Assignments Tab contains sensitive information. Aniket is focusing on this aspect to ensure that only authorized users can access it.
  • User Experience is crucial, as teachers and admins need to feel comfortable using the tab. Orlando is focusing on intuitive design and clear error messages to avoid confusion.
  • Integration might be tricky, as the Assignments Tab interacts with other parts of the system. Soham is addressing this by conducting thorough integration tests.


The Assignments Tab is a critical feature for our educational application, and we’re confident that the current team structure and plan will allow us to meet our goal within a week. We’ll continue to monitor progress and address any issues as they arise, ensuring a successful implementation and a smooth experience for our users.