Devlog: Core Features Development

Date: April 15, 2024

Project Overview

Today’s focus was on multiple core features for our educational application: Grades, Flashcards, Login, and Account Management. These are fundamental parts of our application, serving both educators and students. The goal is to ensure these features are completed efficiently, within a week, and meet our high standards of quality.

Goal for the Week

The goal for this week is to complete the development and integration of all four major features: Grades, Flashcards, Login, and Account Management. Each of these features requires distinct skills and focus areas, so the team has been divided to ensure a smooth workflow.

Team Assignments

The following team members have been assigned to work on the specific tasks:

  • Grades
    • Shaurya, Colin, Soham: Shaurya is responsible for the frontend UI, ensuring the grades tab is user-friendly and intuitive. Colin and Soham are handling the backend, setting up the database schema for storing grades and creating API endpoints for retrieval and updates.
  • Flashcards
    • Paaras and Mati: Paaras is leading the frontend development, building the interface for creating and using flashcards. Mati and Soham are working on backend integration, ensuring the data is securely stored and accessible.
  • Login
    • Tanay and Parav: Parav is responsible for the frontend, creating the login page and managing user authentication. Tanay is handling backend authentication, ensuring security and implementing OAuth for third-party login options.
  • Internship Finder
    • Tanay and Paaras: Paaras is responsible for the frontend, creating the swiping features and making sure the UI is pleasing. Tanay is handling backend, making sure that endpoints and CRUD features all work as well starting some CRUD.
  • Account Management
    • Varaprasad, Aniket, and Parav: Varaprasad is in charge of frontend development, building the account management interface. Aniket and Parav are handling backend functionality, ensuring users can update their profiles, change passwords, and manage account settings.

Development Progress

  • April 14, 2024: The team met to plan the week’s tasks. Each group presented their initial designs and discussed potential integration challenges. The backend team outlined the database schema and API endpoints required for each feature.

  • April 15, 2024: Development work began in earnest.

    • For the Grades tab, Shaurya started building the frontend components, focusing on a clear and informative layout. Soham and Colin worked on setting up the database schema for grades and creating API endpoints to retrieve and update grades.
    • For the Flashcards tab, Paaras worked on the frontend structure, creating a simple and flexible interface for flashcard creation and use. Mati began integrating backend storage and retrieval for flashcards.
    • For the Login tab, Parav tried implemented the basic login page and user authentication flow, while Tanay started setting up an inheritance hierarchy for different types of users and their roles.
    • For Account Management, Varaprasad created the basic UI, allowing users to view and update their profile information. Aniket and Parav worked on backend functions for updating user details and handling password changes.
    • For Internship Finder Paaras made sure to smoothly create the basic UI and make sure the swiping features are smooth. Tanay created CRUD endpoints and started using the Person API for RBAC.

Upcoming Tasks

  • Grades: Shaurya, Colin, and Soham will continue developing the frontend and backend components, focusing on seamless data retrieval and user interactions.
  • Flashcards: Paaras will work on adding functionality for creating, editing, and deleting flashcards, while Mati ensures secure backend storage and retrieval.
  • Login: Ranay will implement additional authentication features like password reset, while Parav integrates OAuth with third-party login providers.
  • Account Management: Varaprasad will add features for updating profile pictures and account settings, while Aniket and Parav work on backend security and user data management.
  • Internship Finder Tanay has to add RBAC so that only certain account types with certain roles can access endpoints.

Challenges and Concerns

  • Data Security: Given the sensitive nature of user data, security is a top priority. The backend team is focusing on ensuring all data is encrypted and secure, especially for login and account management.
  • User Experience: All features must be user-friendly and intuitive. The frontend team is working on creating simple and effective interfaces to enhance user experience.
  • Integration: Integration between different components is crucial. The team is coordinating to ensure smooth interaction between frontend and backend elements.


With a dedicated team and a clear plan, we’re on track to complete the development of Grades, Flashcards, Internship Finder, Login, and Account Management within one month. Each feature plays a crucial role in our educational application, and we’re committed to delivering high-quality results on time. We’ll continue to monitor progress and address any challenges to ensure a successful outcome.